of winter in New England, Coastal Connections has been implementing new initiatives that support the mission of creating dynamic programs that promote leadership at all levels.
This month, I am excited to announce that three committees have been formed that bring that mission to life and action. All of these committees are composed of individuals who choose to be involved and led by enthusiastic staff who serve as facilitators.
Part of the licensing and accreditation process for Coastal Connections is a significant focus on the health and safety of all the staff and individuals who are at Coastal each day. To further promote and reinforce that focus, Coastal Connections has an active Safety Committee. This Committee completes a monthly walk through with a comprehensive checklist of the entire facility. This group is facilitated by Zach Levarity, Facilities Manager. After the walk through, this committee completes a Facilities Maintenance request to address any area of need. This committee also takes on the responsibility of reporting any safety concerns or items needing repair throughout the month. Each member takes his role very seriously and safety has become part of their life skill development.
Coastal Advocates is a new committee that focuses on teaching advocacy, how to make good choices, rights and responsibilities and making informed decisions. This Committee uses role plays that they develop to present an array of topics to small groups of individuals. These presentations elicit animated, deep conversations of topics relevant to the individuals. The topics change monthly as this Committee seeks written feedback from each group that includes suggestions for future topics. This Committee is certainly ready for primetime as they use practice and improvisation to get their point across.
SWEG- Self Empowered Women’s Group is a newly formed group that has designed its own logo that represents their mission. They choose an oak tree which represents ‘wisdom’, and the colors green (wisdom), red (strength and determination) and orange (empower). This powerful group meets weekly to further its mission to encourage women at Coastal Connections to embrace their strengths, determinations and wisdom. They use their determination to complete community service and social activities. Bonnie Dehetre is the staff facilitator and this group makes a huge impact on Coastal Connections and the community.
In addition to the active committees, Coastal Connections is thrilled to announce that their new website has been constructed and activated. With Consultant, Anthony Marconi, working closely with the Executive team, the new website is contemporary, pertinent, interactive and connected to social media outlets. There is even a new logo, giving Coastal a much needed facelift.
As you will see at www.coastalconnections.org, Coastal Connections is continuously seeking to improve services and promote the wellbeing of all!